Daniel Schoeneck
Designer und Visualization Engineer
holds an ETH Zurich master's degree in materials science and a bachelor's degree in audiovisual design from the Basel School of Design.
He is a part-time lecturer for interactive media and research scientist for knowledge visualization at Bern University of the Arts [HKB/HEAB].
He has been working for a broad range of industries, developing concepts and design of communication media. He considers himself a digital strategist with a strong focus on Web Development and Data Visualization.
Being a proponent of a digital downtime, he nevertheless is an enthusiastic Front- und Backend-Designer, constantly seeking for smooth adaptation of technology. Here at whiteroom Daniel Schoeneck is responsible for art direction and conceptual thinking.
Workshops / Lectures
- since 2020 Lectures FHNW School of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geomatics
- 09.2018 Jury HKB CAS Data Visualization
- 09.2017 Jury HKB CAS Data Visualization
- 07.2017 Lecture in D3.js Datavisualization HKB CAS Data Visualization
- 09.2016 Jury HKB CAS Data Visualization
- 07.2016 Lecture in D3.js Datavisualization HKB CAS Data Visualization
- since 2013 Researching Lecturer Institute of Design Research HKB
- since 2003 Lectures Berne University of the Arts
- 04.2003 Lectures FH Aargau, Communication Design
- 2000 – 2003 Lectures HGKK Bern, Interaktive Systeme, Multimedia
- 02.1998 Lectures FOCAL, Multimedia
- 12.1996 Ø.1 Medialab und L@den – Verein Kunst und digitale Medien, Digital Video
- 11.1996 Special programme «Autorenschaft» at 12. Film- und Videotage Basel
- 1996 – 1998 Executive board Film- und Videotage Basel
- 1996 – 2002 Teaching at Schule für Gestaltung Basel
- 10.1995 Foundation of Ø.1 Medialab (with Enrique Fontanilles and Cyril Kazis)
- 09.1995 Cooperation in the artist network «The Thing» (with Reinhard Storz and Barbara Strebel)
- 06.1995 Workshop Medienkunst Bern, Assistent for Digital Imaging and Nonlinear Video Editing
Exhibitions / Publications
- 05.2016 Current Barriers to Open Government Data Use and Visualization by Political Intermediaries (Presented by Jérôme Brugger at CeDEM16)
- 10.2015 Visualisierung OGD – Open Government Data from the perspective of communication design
- 09.2012 Publication in 'Out of Focus – Lochkameras und ihre Bilder' by Peter Olpe
- 02.2008 Museum Collections in the age of digital archives in 'Die Angesägte Antilope' museum.BL, Christoph Merian Verlag
- 04.2001 Acquisition by the Baselland Kunstkredit Collection (dotMov.bl – Sammlung Neue Medien)
- 1999 - 2000 Internationales Korrespondentennetz, Cargo Cult, Basel (cargoKulturbar)
- 06.1996 Videoforum ART 27'96
- 12.1996 Basler Kunsthalle, at the annual exhibition of Basel artists
- 05.1996 Swiss Bank Corporation Video Art Prize for DISPLAY 15
- 10.1995 6e Semaine Internationale de Vidéo, Saint Gervais Genève, as part of the swiss universities showreel
- 10.1995 Young Talents Award at the 11th Film- und Videotage Basel for the tape DISPLAY 15
- 09.1995 freiburger video forum, Freiburg i.Br.